Britain & Ireland School of Feminist Theology
Summer School 2020
Submitting an Article for the Journal
Submitting an article

If you wish to contribute an article please send an electronic copy by e-mail attachment to together with a 100 - 150 word abstract and between four to six keywords. Alternatively, you may post two clear copies of double-spaced typescript, abstract and keywords on computer diskette in .DOC or .RTF format to The BISFT Editorial Committee, The Lodge, Cook Rees Avenue, Neath  SA11 1JT

Notes for Contributors
Contributors should supply their full contact details with e-mail addresses.  Manuscripts will normally be acknowledged within two weeks of receipt.  All notes and references should include full bibliographic details, following the style used in the journal.

Feminist Theology accepts articles with the SAGE Harvard system of referencing.  

Authors are required to assign copyright to SAGE Publications, subject to retaining their right to reuse the material in other publications written or edited by themselves and due to be published at least one year after initial publication in the journal.  Accepted articles cannot be published in the absence of the signed copyright form which will be sent after acceptance of their article.

Authors are sent proofs of their article and a final version PDF after issue publication.